Virtual Walk - Ancient Athens - Greece
Walk through historic Athens in Greece and enjoy marvelous ancient ruins,
like the Temple of Hephaestus (also called Hephaesteion or Theseion) is an
exceptionally well-preserved ancient Greek temple.
The Ancient Agora of Athens was the center of political, social, commercial,
and intellectual life in ancient Athens. It was a bustling marketplace where
citizens gathered for trade, governance, religious ceremonies, and philosophical
discussions. It played a crucial role in the development of Athenian democracy.
Also enjoy the Stoa of Attalos is one of the most impressive structures in the
Ancient Agora of Athens. Originally built in the 2nd century BCE by King Attalos II
of Pergamon, it served as a covered shopping arcade and public gathering space.
Today, it houses the Museum of the Ancient Agora.