Title:  Virtual Zoo - Baby Flamingos CHOOSE CURRENCY
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Virtual Zoo - Baby Flamingos - Embarking on their Exploration of the World

Baby flamingos, known as chicks, are adorable and quite different from their 
striking pink adult counterparts.
Baby flamingos are covered in soft, fluffy, gray or white down feathers when 
they hatch, which provides insulation. They are much smaller than adults but 
have long legs and necks that hint at their eventual growth. Their beak is initially 
straight, unlike the distinct curved beak of adults. It gradually curves as they grow.

As they grow, flamingo chicks begin to develop pink feathers, which are a result 
of their diet rich in carotenoids (found in algae and crustaceans). It can take up to 
three years for them to gain their full pink coloration.


Review: Virtual Zoo - Baby Flamingos
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